Saturday, February 26, 2011

Heather Simco Mrs New York Globe - Heather Simco Crowned Mrs NY

Heather Simco Crowned Mrs NY Globe 2011 

Heather Simco is the current Mrs NY Globe and is a former Mrs NY America runner-up. Heather's focus is on raising awareness for Education and Charities.

THE W.I.N. FOUNDATION (Charity of Mrs. Globe)

The charity of choice for Mrs. Globe is The W.I.N. Foundation. ( WIN is a 501C3 non-profit foundation that specializes in programs of recovery for abuse and life empowerment for women. Founded by Dr. Tracy, we have been paving the way for healing and empowerment since 1996. The W.I.N. Foundation operates under a volunteer Board of Directors. Budgets for the foundation as posted in the most recent annual report are as follows:

  • Operations: 6%
  • Fundraising: 5%
  • Outreach:89%

Since 1997 Mrs. Globe has served as the primary fundraiser for W.I.N.

State and country delegates serve as spokeswomen for W.IN. (Full training is provided at the pageant). 

Due to our efforts, Mrs. Globe has both changed lives and has been recognized by world figures.
W.I.N. is currently in 8 countries around the world thanks to Mrs. Globe delegates who join us as country leaders.
As Mrs NY Globe, Heather is a spokesperson for the W.I.N. foundation.

Heather Simco Creates Runway Denim

Heather has always had a love for Fashion Design. In 2008, she created Runway Denim, originally, "Runway for the Rest of Us", an exclusive Denim line that offers Women of all sizes the opportunity to look and feel great in high quality designer jeans. For more information, visit

In her teen years Heather struggled with her weight, and in the journey to becoming more fit had difficulty finding jeans that made her look good while working through those fitness goals. Runway Denim was inspired by her journey and many other women she befriended that also found difficulty finding a pair of jeans that fit them no matter where they are in their life goals. The denim is a patented material that allows the jeans to stretch not sag, and offers a wider range of sizes than the average designer denim. These jeans are meant to make every women feel like a beauty queen no matter what their size on the tag says.